COVID-19 Information for Residents
Please click here to view the Department of Western Australia's updated four-week reinfection guidelines after the detection of new variants of COVID-19 being present in the WA community.
Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)
Please be ready and purchase RAT kits for testing in your room. They are available from supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers.
Close Contact & Testing
A close contact with no symptoms and do not need to isolate:
Follow the Government directives and click here to complete the Close Contact form.
A close contact with symptoms and do not need to isolate:
Please remain in your room and click here to complete the Self-Isolation Meal Delivery order formfor meals to be delivered to your room. Please seek assistance if you become unwell.
Get tested if:
You have any of the following symptoms
A fever (>37.50C) OR
Recent history of fever (e.g. night sweats, chills), without a known source OR
Acute respiratory symptoms (including cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose) OR
Acute loss of smell or taste
You have been at a venue identified as high risk which means you must test immediately
Self Isolate if you:
Have tested positive for COVID-19
Are considered a close contact or
Are directed to do so by WA Health
Completing isolation outside the College:
You must wear a mask and gloves as you are leaving St Catherine’s. You also need to click here to complete the Notification of Isolation Outside of the College form or you will be charged for unclaimed packed meals.
Receive a positive test for COVID-19:
Please complete both of the following forms to notify the College of your result and to request delivery of packed meals. Please seek assistance if you become unwell.
When you have completed your isolation:
Please click here to notify the College to cease delivering meals and resume cleaning your room.
Please be advised that the Government imposes penalties for breaches of isolation requirements.
What happens if I have to self isolate in College?
Residents in Single Rooms
Stay in your room
Ring Reception (during office hours) or the Duty RA (after-hours) to let them know
Click here to request that you need your meals delivered to your room and note any dietary requirements
Leave your room only to take a COVID-19 test and return immediately (do not stop for coffee or groceries, etc.), or to use the bathroom. Ensure you wear a mask and gloves at all times when leaving your room for your test or to use the bathroom
Use the bathroom/s designated for positive cases (these will be activated as required), wear your mask and gloves to go the bathroom. Use the sanitiser in the bathroom before and after using the toilet and showers. Use the spray sanitiser provided on any surface you touch
You may order food to the foyer during office hours, and it will be delivered to your room and left outside as staff are available
Your friends may drop things off to your room but must knock and drop the items. You must wait for two minutes after they or staff have knocked and left before opening your door, and try not to open your door when others are in the corridor. You must always wear a mask when opening your door to collect items dropped off there
If you are feeling unwell, call your GP and let Reception know (during office hours) and the Duty RA know (after-hours)
Residents in a Studio Room
Stay in your room
Ring Reception or the Duty RA (after-hours) to let them know
Click here to request which of your seven meals (standard contract) you would like delivered over the time of your self-isolation and identify any dietary requirements that you may have.
You may increase your meal plan at a cost of $85 per seven meals. To make this all work for multiple residents, you must opt into a minimum seven-day upgrade package
Leave your room only to take a COVID-19 test and return immediately (do not stop for coffee or groceries, etc.). Ensure you wear a mask and gloves at all times when leaving your room for your test
You may order food to the foyer during office hours, and it will be delivered to your room and left outside your door as staff are available
Your friends may drop things off to your room but must knock and drop the items. You must wait for two minutes after they or staff have knocked and left before opening your door, and try not to open your door when others are in the corridor. You must always wear a mask when opening your door to collect items dropped off there
If you are feeling unwell, call your GP and let Reception know (during office hours) and the Duty RA know (after-hours)